Where the Past Meets the Present

Rose Creek City, Nebraska

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Rose Creek Nebraska is no longer in existance as a community. It still lives on via its history.


 Application of Ives Marks for post office
at the Rose Creek Mill.

"The first mill in the county was built on Rose Creek, near Thayer County,
in 1863, by Rev. Ives Marks. Although not very extensive it was the only
mill in the county until 1867, at which time D. C. Jenkins built a mill
just below Steele City on the Little Blue. Marks' Mill, as the place was
for some time called, where Mr. Marks located, became quite a business
point, assuming in a few years the name of Rose Creek. There was soon
sufficient business for two run of burrs, three stores of general
merchandise, two blacksmith shops, one harness shop, one hotel, two livery
stables and a pottery. Mr. Marks built a schoolhouse and organized a United
Brethren Church. The Republican branch of the Burlington & Missouri
Railroad passed to the north of this isolated but flourishing village, and
the place is returning to its native wild appearance. The first sermon
preached in the county was by Rev. Ives Marks, of the United Brethren
denomination, in 1862, and he has been preaching in Jefferson and adjoining
counties ever since that time."

     Source: Andreas History of Nebraska (1882)

Rose Creek Cemetery Records via Ancestory.com

Historical Marker on Highway 8, Jefferson County, Ne.

Where the Past meets the Present